Saturday, December 2, 2006

Preliminary Project Agenda

Group name: Eco Villa Project/Suggestions?

Decision making processes/Group Hierarchy "treasurer"

Web site: Place to gather relevant info. How to do this?

Representative Media/Member Support: Setting up a means to reach members of the community who would be interested in making a contribution to this project. I.e... Info/Presentation Table. Events to show up at. Related organizations/institutions to network with.

Current/Future member interest survey. A means of evaluating the levels of member interest and a way to find out a bit about each member and what they hope to gain from being a part of this project. Modus Operandi/Vivendi?

Interaction with learning institutions: What are the guidelines at MU, Columbia College, Public Schools, etc. regarding student interaction with outside groups and use of student resources for our project?

Individual member research: Areas of interest that members would like to develop a greater understanding of. Members could then reinforce what they have learned by educating others so that we all may become more aware of the technologies, building practices, and living practices that are pursuant to sustainability. Ie...Photovoltaics/lastest stuff, Grey water use/indoor agriculture, Funding, Current Architectural examples of this type. Data Base generation/Website.

What each member envisions as the perfect multi-resident living structure. Layout/Amenities.
I.e... Greenhouse, Garden, Composting area, One/two member living quarters, Common area, Dining/Kitchen, Access to the elements, Urban Campfire/Big Old Front Porch, etc. Write it down/Draw it out...

Remember this is the beginning. I hope that this gives us something to think about as far as what each of us can do at this point. There are it seems so many practical things each of us can benefit from aside from just being a part of this project in principle. Where do we stand now? What can we do better in the future? Any Ideas?

Thanks all,
Paul Bradley McConnell